The Best of Havana: Unique Bucket List Ideas
It’s not easy choosing what to do in Havana when on a trip to Cuba. That’s why we compiled unique bucket list ideas to help out fellow travelers.
Meet EEAbroad Tour Guide: Ron Infante
Meet one of our expert Cuban Tour Guides, Ron! In this blog, Ron shares what it’s like being a tour guide and why he thinks everyone should visit Cuba.
The Knight Who Saved Havana
Giving his soul and finest effort to keep Havana’s historical district alive, Eusebio Leal took the city forward against all odds and detractors. A fierce defender of the Cuban heritage, and a true patriot, it’s hard to find a Cuban who hasn't heard of his heroic deeds.
El Paquete: Cuban Ingenuity in the form of a USB
El Paquete is yet another example of Cuban ingenuity and a creative solution to Cuba’s challenge of accessing high-speed internet.
How Graffiti is Making Classic Cuba Contemporary
Havana reflects a complexity of social, economic, and cultural relations, where notable identity differences are perceived between the different neighborhoods. In this respect, the subcultures of underground, popular culture have had an outstanding presence at the hands of the aesthetics of graffiti.
Beyond Roots: Redefining the Standard of Beauty in Cuba
Beyond Roots is the first vendor in Cuba to offer an extensive panorama of clothing, accessories, and hair products dedicated to the Afro style and aesthetic.